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Page de départ | Partonomie TAH |
Niveau supérieur | système musculaire Abrégé étendu |
Niveau 2 | partie pelvienne du système musculaire Abrégé étendu |
Niveau actuel | muscles du périnée |
Langage subsidiaire avec le latin | |
Language principal non Latin |
Liste partonomique |
Notes scientifiques |
Libelle of note
3262 |
Since there is no Musculus sphincter urethrae femininae internus (Oelrich et al. 1983 Anat Rec 205:223-232; Gosling 1985 Urol Clin North Am 12:207-214), the term Musculus sphincter urethrae feminimae externus should be changed to Musculus sphincter urethrae ♀.
3399 |
Dorschner et al. (2001 Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Vol 159) renamed the Musculus sphincter urethrae masculinae externus as Musculus sphincter urethrae ♂ (urethral muscle of external sphincter), and the Musculus sphincter urethrae internus as Musculus sphincter vesicae ♂ (vesical muscle of internal sphincter)
3426 |
The subcutaneous perineal pouch is a potential space between the membranous layer of perineal subcutaneous tissue and the superficial layer of the investing fascia of perineal muscles. Extravasations or collections in the subcutaneous pouch may track, deep to the membranous layer of subcutaneous tissue, into the anterior abdominal wall, along the clitoris/penis and far into the labia or scrotum.
3427 |
The superficial perineal pouch is a fully enclosed compartment, being bounded below by the perineal fascia (the superficial layer of the investing fascia of the superficial perineal muscles) and above the perineal membrane.
3432 |
The deep perineal pouch on the other hand, is not an enclosed compartment but is open to above. This and the deep urogenital muscles are bounded below by the perineal membrane but extend up into the pelvis rendering the old term diaphragma urogenitalis and fascia diaphragmatis urogenitalis inferior misnomers (Oelrich 1980 Am J Anat 158:229-264; 1983 Anat Rec 205:223-232).
3435 |
As noted by Oelrich (1983 Anat Rec 205:223-232) the Musculus transversus perinei profundus is absent in the female perineum; Dorschner et al. (2001 Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Vol 159) also doubted its presence in the male perineum.
Signature |
Type of list | P3 |
List Unit Identifier | 1970 |
Subtotals | subchildren 0 subunits 0 |
Proper children | 17 |
Number of children | 17 (validated) |
Proper units | 18 |
Number of units | 18 (validated) |
Signature | 14838 (validated since 29.12.2022) |
Date: 18.08.2024 |